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I am dead to sin

While in Jaco, we were given a devotional over Romans 5 and 6 by a local ministry partner and surf instructor. He let the word speak for itself, and the truths we uncovered rocked my entire way of … Read more about I am dead to sin

Love in action

Something that I greatly underestimated coming into the race was the difficulty of language barriers. That sounds silly, I know, but I assumed that I would pick up Spanish easily and that a decent … Read more about Love in action

What is faith?

A little over a year ago, before I signed up for the race, I began an actual relationship with the Lord. Not the relationship that I was handed by my parents or the relationship that I thought Church … Read more about What is faith?


One thing that I learned quickly in the World Race Gap Year is that changes can (and should) be expected. These changes have ranged anywhere from last-minute schedule differences, to adapting to life … Read more about Changes

Simple Love

I think this is my fourth attempt at getting all of the way through a blog post here at training camp. The Lord has shown me so many things that He’s doing and the Spirit has brought so many … Read more about Simple Love