
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I can’t even type these words without having one of two emotions: Overwhelming thankfulness, or disbelief. 


The first is very logical and fitting; I’ve never had more to be thankful for. Or maybe, I’ve only recently begun to realize the extent of the work that God has been doing in my life since long before I was preparing for a mission, or before I began to follow Him at all for that matter.


The second comes from my lack of faith and my limited human perspective on what our God can actually do. This has hit me especially hard recently. Somehow I trust with everything in me that this is not my home and that because of what Jesus did on the cross, my salvation could not be more secure. However, in the same breath, I can worry or have doubts that God won’t provide things like fundraising. It feels ridiculous to say that I have doubts about something that is so small in comparison to salvation, but my actions and worry reflect it. I start to cling to the idea that I have to do it on my own, or that He won’t provide as I go down the path that He laid out for me. Thankfully though, God isn’t limited by my disbelief. It’s been humbling to have God slowly break down that wall in my life and replace it with confidence in His provision.


With all of that said, this post is ultimately a praise and celebration of what God has done!! My fundraising goal has been met!! It feels like just last week I was wrestling with the idea of applying to the race. I wasn’t sure if I was cut out for something like this, and I definitely wasn’t sure how in the world the funds would come. That’s where all of you stepped in! I have never felt a stronger sense of community than I have in these past five months. I was blown away by the number of people that have wanted to help from Iabc, Lubbock, New Home, Garden City, etc. For some reason, I believed that I would only start seeing God move in big ways once our team left the country, and I could not have been more wrong. God has been working through so many people who didn’t even realize that their quick prayer or donation was an integral piece in this mission for myself and my whole team. It sounds cliché to say that this couldn’t have been done without you, but that has never been more true in my life than it is right now. Thank you doesn’t even begin to cover how much I appreciate all of you and all of the support you have given. 


As the race gets closer, I would still ask that you would please pray for my team and me! This commitment is exciting and I can’t wait to be out there with my team, but there are still a lot of things that need prayer. Please pray for our hearts to be in the right place, for nerves and fears of uncomfortable situations, for all of the preparation to do, and for all of the many unknowns still to come. I believe that prayer is extremely powerful and talking to the Lord on our behalf is the greatest help that anyone can give to our mission! Our mission is your mission if you choose to participate with prayer, and the importance of that can’t be overstated! On behalf of my team, thank you so much!!


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, and for all of the support that you’ve shown. I appreciate it so much!! If you have any questions or want to talk to me about the race, please reach out! (432-213-8378)



God Bless,




5 responses to “Fully Funded!”

  1. We are so very PROUD of your commitment and accomplishment. You can count on BopBop and me for continued prayers and support. We love you!

  2. Last time we talked, I told you that I had heard some one on a religious tv show wondering what God was doing in the midst of all the chaos in the world right now. The host said, “He’s rolling up His sleeves; rolling up His sleeves.” My friend, get ready to roll up your sleeves as well for there’s work to be done. We’re all so proud of you and will keep you and your team in our prayers.

  3. Carter, I have watched your blog and read many encouraging comments. I finally want to say how proud i am of you. Judy and I love you and are committed to pray for you. You gave me a reason to be proud during your many steps in life including your first that I remember. Since high school you have matured beyond belief. When you came in with your pickup and told me about your maturity and responsibility as an adult. Now the way you have listened to our Lord and planned and prepared for your trip amazes me. God bless and keep you and your team safe. I love you! Bop Bop

  4. That’s awesome that you are fully funded so early on. May we encourage you to continue to invite people to join you as prayer support. This will be an amazing season but there will be hard days as well – it’s all part of the experience. We look forward to seeing you at training camp in less than 4 months! We are praying for you.